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Q1 What is CAN?

Since our inception in 2009, Clean Air Network (CAN) has become a principal advocate for clean air and the only dedicated air issue-focused non-profit organization in Hong Kong. Over a decade or so, we have been a strong force from civil society in shaping the Hong Kong government’s long-term emission control strategy through constructive dialogue and scientifically-sound approaches.

Currently, CAN is working to enhance community knowledge on air pollution matters and formulate policy advice to accelerate the transition to zero-emission vehicles on the road. To make clean air a sustainable reality in Hong Kong, we have maintained a consistent media presence and our platforms to raise public awareness on air pollution-related issues and their health impact.

Q2 What has CAN achieved?

Policy Change

Under our ongoing advocacy work, the Government has in the past years:

  • Amended the principal air pollution control ordinance to review Air Quality Objectives at least once every five years
  • Set up a 10–billion dollar fund to subsidize the replacement of old and polluting commercial diesel vehicles
  • Mandated fuel switch at berth for ocean going vessels
  • Commenced the first walkability study in Hong Kong
  • Published the Clean Air Plan 2035 and the first EV Roadmap for Hong Kong, which
  • Set out long-term strategy on air quality management and green transport

And the Government will

  • Enhance air quality at public transport interchanges
  • Update the Air Quality Health Index to show long-term and short-term health risks
  • Commit to provide more detailed district–based air quality information to public

Knowledge Change

In the past 5 years, CAN has:

  • Approached more than 20,000 individuals, including over 2,000 students in 100 secondary schools, more than 500 parents and volunteers, through our public empowerment programmes
  • Maintained a strong local media presence

Now, the public understands a lot more about the health impacts of air pollution!


Air Pollution Reduced

Over the past 5 years, the annual average concentrations of major pollutants have been dropping:

Air pollutant General stations Roadside stations
NO2 -8% -15%
PM10 -15% -8%
PM2.5 -35% -16%

Societal Costs of Air Pollution Reduced

In the past 5 years,

  • Number of premature deaths dropped by 29%
  • Economic loss dropped by 30%
  • Number of Clean Air Days increased by 37%

Q3 What will CAN do?

Current Actions: 

  • Advocating for medium–term green transport policies
  • Furthering our educational programmes
  • Building and sharing knowledge to address needs of schools, families, patients and communities

Future Plans: 

  • Accelerate Hong Kong’s transition of franchised bus, public light bus and heavy–duty goods vehicles to zero–emission modes, in alignment with the Government’s 2025 Strategic Plan
  • Become the top environmental educational partner of secondary and primary schools in Hong Kong
  • Explore more stringent indoor air quality standard for schools, elderly centers and public buildings in Hong Kong

Q4 Is air pollution cancer-causing?

In 2013, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization classified outdoor air pollution as group 1 carcinogen. This is the first time that scientists evaluated the air people breathe for its cancer-causing potential.

Comprehensive analysis finds air pollution may be damaging every organ in the body, causing dementia, heart and lung diseases, fertility problems and reduced intelligence.

Q5 Are we protecting the socially disadvantaged sufficiently?

Two major local studies published in 2008 (HKU-CUHK) and 2018 (HKU-Cambridge) found that the socially deprived is exposed to more air pollution in Hong Kong. Although all individuals are exposed to some level of air pollution, those who are already in poor health and those who are socially disadvantaged are most strongly affected.

Q6 Is air pollution a trans-generational issue?

Air pollution particles have been found on the foetal side of placentas, indicating that unborn babies are directly exposed to the black carbon produced by motor traffic and fuel burning.

Upholding Our Core Values

Clean Air Network’s (CAN) absolute priority is safeguarding children and vulnerable communities, as well as our staff, volunteers and stakeholders. This Code of Conduct contains essential principles and rules that reflect the behaviours and standards Clean Air Network (CAN) expects from its employees, volunteers, interns, trainees and other stakeholders working for or on behalf of the organisation in any capacity.

The Code of Conduct applies day to day. It sets out an ethical and behavioural framework which is relevant and applicable to our daily work. For this reason, all employees and other representatives working for or on behalf of the organisation in any capacity, are required to sign a declaration confirming that they have read and understood the Code of Conduct and agree to comply with it at all times.

CAN hopes that all our stakeholders comply with our core values and Code Conduct. Any breach of the Code of Conduct will be taken seriously. We encourage anyone who has concerns, either about the conduct of CAN or others affiliated with our work, or of any violence or abuse of children or other vulnerable groups in CAN’s operations, to report. In the email, please state your name and contact number, a brief description of issue / incident happened with date, time and location via email speak.up@hongkongcan.org. The email will be checked and followed up by an independent party.

Updated: October 2021

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